I’m an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant dedicated to supporting families during this delicate stage of parenthood. I take this role as the highest honor, and I’m committed to helping parents feel peaceful and confident as they navigate the joyful yet challenging waters of breastfeeding and infant feeding.

Growing up in the Sears household (kid number 5 out of 8) I experienced the miraculous and beautiful chaos that surrounds childbirth and raising kids through the lense of attachment parenting. As remarkable as this was, I must confess that I had on “rose colored” glasses when it came to my own breastfeeding journey. I achieved my life’s dream at 37 when my Son was born and those rose colored glasses quickly faded as reality set it. The truth was, I was not prepared for the feeding challenges that arose, and how overwhelmed and lost I felt. My beautiful Mom (Martha Sears, pictured above) rallied around me and enlisted me in what I called “boobie boot camp”. She was my lactation angel and got me past that first week. I will never forget the moment of clarity I had at about two months postpartum when I felt this powerful wave of purpose come over me, a still small voice inside of me whispered, “Erin, you were made for this”. A year later I started my 3-year journey of education and immersion into the world of lactation consulting. I was extremely lucky to get to train under Leora Robles and her team at The Breastfeeding Center of Orange County.

I am also I mom to an amazing 5- year-old (who I breastfeed until he turned 4), a certified health coach, yoga teacher, and published author. I am a featured writer for AskDrSears.com and have been a guest on TV Shows including; Hallmark’s Home and Family, and Ask Dr. Nandi. I have had the honor to have co-authored two books, The Dr Sears T5 Wellness Plan, and The Healthy Motherhood Journal. I became very holistically-minded after battling many physical and mental health challenges through my teens and 20’s, and well as the struggles I faced as a Mom. I hold a M.A in Music Education from Azusa Pacific University.

I live with my Husband and Son in San Jose, California. When I’m not wrangling my kiddo or helping families, I enjoy singing, yoga, hiking, and coffee dates. I can’t wait to connect with you!